?What to do with a well-done and ......
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> Sky > wrote:
> > ...... over-cooked standing rib (beef) roast? I'm curious because I
> > don't know of any remedies that work? How does one rescue an
> > over-cooked prime rib roast? And I mean a hefty one too - about
> > 10-pounds worth!!!!! Something like that. TIA.
> >
> > Sky
> >
> > P.S. It wasn't "my" beast!
> Uffda! My condolences, Sky! The only thing I can think of is
> thin-sliced and laid in some boiling beef "juice" (beef base, a little
> more water than usual) for a few seconds to heat it without any more
> cooking it, then piled on some crusty rolls. Dunk in the broth/juice it
> was just bathed in.
> Who screwed up the roast? Why? What's the story?
Yeah, thiny sliced with some gravy might've worked. Alas, my offer to
make (my special) gravy was not accepted. Hmm, how'd it happen? <-----
I suppose the 'cook' (a family relative who will remain unnamed) did not
pay attention to the temperature gauge!!! I know they used the timer,
but at a certain point, the temp gauge is more important than the timer
Sky, who's no perfect cook, either
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice!!