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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default ?What to do with a well-done and ......

Sky > wrote:

>Thanks for the link and suggestions. I imagine the 'beast' was fed to
>the (2) dogs -- literally! -- but I'm unsure of that because I was not
>the hostess nor was I the cook. Cooking is a lot like cutting hair,
>eh??? It's so much easier to cook a little bit at a time (or snip off a
>little at a time) than to over-cook anything (or over-cut hair!)! I'd
>rather have a nearly rare beast that needs a wee bit more cooking than a
>roast that had its goose cooked to ruin.

For sure. But there is the technical question about what to
do with a too-rare roast that has already come out of the oven
and been rested.

In my experience, placing it back into the oven does not work
too well. Whereas sometimes microwaving it for a very short interval --
somewhere between 30 and 90 seconds, depending -- does the trick.
(Kinda looks cheesy to you guests, placing the roast in the microwave...
so best to avoid the problem in the first place...)
