In article >,
Christine Dabney > wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 12:42:13 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >Okay, I know Leila's mom was/is the Spoonbread Queen. I've never had
> >it. What's the consistency, texture, and taste like? Can you describe
> >it for me in polite language? If it'll help, I've never had a souffle,
> >either. I don't get out much. Heck, you might as well post your recipe
> >(or a link to same) of your spoonbread recipe. Does it involve corn
> >meal?
> Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...spoonbread. I grew up with that... It is wonderful.
> Yes, it involved cornmeal. The versions I have had, were sort of a
> cross between cornbread and a pudding/souffle. Made for butter, and
> gravy.
> Christine
Sounds like mashed potatoes to me, Christine.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ 12/28/2009