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Sky Sky is offline
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Default ?What to do with a well-done and ......

Steve Pope wrote:
> Sky > wrote:
> >Thanks for the link and suggestions. I imagine the 'beast' was fed to
> >the (2) dogs -- literally! -- but I'm unsure of that because I was not
> >the hostess nor was I the cook. Cooking is a lot like cutting hair,
> >eh??? It's so much easier to cook a little bit at a time (or snip off a
> >little at a time) than to over-cook anything (or over-cut hair!)! I'd
> >rather have a nearly rare beast that needs a wee bit more cooking than a
> >roast that had its goose cooked to ruin.

> For sure. But there is the technical question about what to
> do with a too-rare roast that has already come out of the oven
> and been rested.
> In my experience, placing it back into the oven does not work
> too well. Whereas sometimes microwaving it for a very short interval --
> somewhere between 30 and 90 seconds, depending -- does the trick.
> (Kinda looks cheesy to you guests, placing the roast in the microwave...
> so best to avoid the problem in the first place...)
> Steve

Better that than an over-cooked beast that's destined for the dogs, eh?
Rarely (pun intended, eh??? <G>) have I encountered a 'beast' that was
too rare for me.

Sky, who say's "moo"!!! <G>

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