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Stan Horwitz Stan Horwitz is offline
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Default Leftovers for Hot Lunches

In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:

> It's been a long time since I packed a lunch. I prefer a hot lunch, not a
> cold sandwich. I definitely won't be eating fast food. (Also no salads,
> thank you very much.) I'm going to be cooking a lot more, mostly on
> weekends, and taking leftovers for lunch. To make things easier I bought
> some of these divided plates (had some years ago, no idea what happened to
> them). They go from freezer to microwave and should be helpful:
> I baked pork chops last night in a home-made "shake & bake" type coating.
> (Delicious!) I made rice and steamed some sliced zucchini to go with it.
> There's a good start on ideas for leftovers for a hot lunch
> So, what else? I have a few ideas, but more ideas never hurt. (Vegetable
> sides will vary.)
> Meatloaf & mashed potatoes
> Lasagna
> Baked chicken with noodles
> Salisbury steak with rice
> Creamed chicken on biscuits or chicken & dumplings
> Spaghetti & meatballs or meat sauce
> Mac & cheese, most likely with ham or some other protein added
> Pot roast with veggies & gravy
> Soups, of course

How about beef stew, chile, fried chicken, and baked chicken?