ffu wrote on Wed, 30 Dec 2009 08:28:02 -0600:
>> zxcvbob wrote on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 21:58:20 -0600:
>>> Sky wrote:
>>>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>>>> make really good dog chew treats. But I wonder if they
>>>>> could be revived by steaming them? (then slice, and toast
>>>>> briefly to unsoggy the crust)
>>>>> I've made stale (but not rock hard) bagels edible again by
>>>>> dampening them, microwaving for 15 to 20 seconds, then
>>>>> toasting. That works pretty well.
>>>>> Bob
>>>> Perhaps zap the bagel in the microwave for a few seconds?
>>>> Maybe that might help??? Another option might be to
>>>> 'steam' them for a minute or so?
>>>> Sky, who hasn't a clue <G>
>>> I tried it with a rock-hard week old bagel. Steamed it for
>>> a few minutes in a vegetable steamer until it felt soft when
>>> I poked it. Then sliced and toasted it just enough to dry
>>> out the crust.
>>> It was actually good; not as good as fresh, but closer than
>>> one would expect. It was still a *little* too dry and
>>> tough; I just should have steamed it longer.
>> It is a bit OT but why don't you freeze your bagels? I buy
>> bagels in dozens (Baker's). 30 seconds per bagel in the
>> microwave, then put in cold oven and take out when it reaches
>> 350F.
>I as well freeze mine, but I came across a item to warm them. It's got
small spikes ( about an inch long) on it which you impale the bagel on,
then it pushes steam into the bagel. Heats and softens it all at once,
post a pic if I can find it, still have boxes unpacked from the move
>years ago in the storage
Intriguing notion but don't slip and impale yourself! Bagels are
dangerous things to cut with a knife, hence the existence of bagel
slicers. If you are in a hurry and like toasted bagels, you can nuke the
bagels as I suggested, slice them and then use a toaster.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not