In article >,
Sky > wrote:
> Yep, BTDT 'bout second-guessing, too and rued it as well! Nowadays I
> always go by the time(r)-then-the-temperature-gauge! If the time(r)
> doesn't quite equate, I still go by the temp-gauge! Should I lose my
> old-time temp gauge (the glass sort with red liquid),
I thought that was a candy thermometer, not a meat thermometer. You use
it in a roast? Huh!
> I think I'll be scr*wed! But, someone recommended a digital
> thermometer - perhaps I should invest in one, eh?
I have a very old Cuisinart instant read digital thermometer that I
like. Have a Polder, too, but I never remember how to work it--I use it
as a timer next to my computer. :-\
> Sky
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ 12/28/2009