On 12/30/2009 11:09 AM, blake murphy wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 23:55:23 -0800, Serene Vannoy wrote:
>> I'm doing a vegan-challenge thing in January, partly as a fun thing to
>> do with some of my veg friends, and partly as a palate cleanser after a
>> month of eating very meat-centrically. Three weeks eating only
>> plant-based foods (beans, grains, vegetables, fruits, and so on -- no
>> meat, fish, eggs, or dairy). It took me a while to make a menu I was
>> happy with, but it's up at my cooking blog (
>> http://serenecooking.livejournal.com/ ). I welcome suggestions that
>> aren't of the "You dumbass; eat meat!" variety.
>> Serene
> not exactly on point, but some years ago a group within my bar-fly friends
> would go on the wagon every january to give their livers a well-deserved
> rest. i personally thought it was madness, but i was in my twenties then.
> good luck with your project, and i look forward to reports.
> your pal,
> blake
I saw the title to this thread and assumed it was started by Andy (until
I paged to the top.)
Last year I gave up alcohol for Lent. I'm a Baptist and Lent is not
part of my tradition, but it seemed like a good one. I started to give
up coffee, but that was just too much. A couple of days after Easter I
got out a bottle of high-gravity IPA to break my fast -- and I almost
couldn't drink it because it tasted so thick and syrupy. (I thinned it
with a little Bud and it was OK :-)
The same beer had tasted really good around Christmas / New Years when I
was used to it.