Cabbage in the field
koko wrote:
> Then you know what I mean about the scent of the crop in the air. I
> love that.
> koko
> --
I love driving around in California agricultural areas.
One of my strongest memories is driving down the coast (on the
5?) from LA to San Diego. In the area of Camp Pendleton the
smell of wild fennel was wonderful.
Strawberry fields have a wonderful odor, also.
Many times we have stopped the car to investigate what was
growing in the fields. The hardest to identify at a distance
was young celery. Garlic and artichokes were interesting to see
as are citrus, mango, and avocado groves with the fruit hanging
like Christmas ornaments.
Someplace, (can't remember whether CA or Iowa) the fences
actually had signs identifying the crop. Most of the area around
Iowa State (Ames) has the specific experimental crop information
(often corn, soy beans and sunflowers) on the fences. Interesting.
gloria p