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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Cabbage in the field

gloria.p wrote:
> Someplace, (can't remember whether CA or Iowa) the fences
> actually had signs identifying the crop.

I love those.

> Most of the area around
> Iowa State (Ames) has the specific experimental crop information
> (often corn, soy beans and sunflowers) on the fences. Interesting.

Here in Illinois many fields are marked by the generic strain of the
crop planted there. To someone in the field that's a lot of
information. To me, I have trouble telling sorghum from corn and wheat
from oats until I am standing next to a plant. One of these signs could
identify the type of bean and I wouldn't know it from a soybean without
opening the pod.

So far I've never seen a sign that says "Llamas". I have seen one that
says "Alpacas". Okay, so with a sign I can tell those two types apart
without standing within biting range. ;^)