Mark Thorson > wrote in :
> I just noticed the new Asian supermarket near me is
> carrying frozen alligator meat for $5.99 in 1 lb. packages.
> Is this a good meat? The package says it's bone-in,
> so I have no idea how much of that is meat, nor how
> difficult it is to separate the meat from the bone.
> I believe only the tail is eaten, and if it's anything
> like oxtail, it would be full of bones.
> I also don't have any idea how it should be cooked.
> Should I succumb to the temptation, what are the
> best methods? I'd consider BBQ, but there have been
> air pollution Nazis around here hunting down people
> who burn logs in their fireplaces, so I'm not sure
> I'll ever BBQ again.
If anyone knows how to cook 'gator, it'd be the Cajuns ;-P
Peter Lucas
If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?