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Jacquie Jacquie is offline
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Posts: 354
Default Soup for dinner!

"Evelyn" > wrote in message
> "Ozgirl" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Evelyn wrote:
>>> "Ozgirl" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> I'd kill for all of it! We drove 950 km's home yesterday. I had
>>>> cleared the fridge before I left, eating everything in sight to
>>>> conserve funds for the trip south. We stayed with daughter and
>>>> grandkids so no accommodation costs but we still needed fuel, a
>>>> motel on the way down and Xmas... We drove for 12 hours yesterday,
>>>> normally I could do the trip in 10
>>>> (over two days) but my son came back with me (missing mummy and all
>>>> she does too much!) and he is limited to 90kph on his licence and it
>>>> also rained almost the entire way including several times where
>>>> visibility was down to almost nothing because of torrential rain. We
>>>> also took a different route to avoid the main highway and its
>>>> problems, thought it would be better for son, lol. He certainly
>>>> learned a lot yesterday! Like how to drive while aqua planing, how
>>>> to drive along narrow, tight roads through mountains while there is
>>>> cloud around you, torrential rain and water running across the road.
>>>> That route was also 120 k's longer so we did ok all things
>>>> considered. Once we hit our state he was able to drive to the local
>>>> speed limits, no limits here (sadly IMO). I had been driving in
>>>> front of him most of the way to make sure his speed stayed right -
>>>> the police presence was enormous and one fine, no matter how small
>>>> is the end of his licence. Yesterday being a public holiday meant no
>>>> shops open at 8.30 last
>>>> night when we got home, the kids shared a packet of corn chips and
>>>> some salsa and crashed, I had nothing for dinner and just ate toast
>>>> for brekky with PB, no tea (out of tea and milk).
>>>> I just looked in the freezer and figured I could feed the kids a
>>>> pretty filling meal tonight if I get some sausages today Got
>>>> frozen mash, frozen corn and frozen peas and a can of instant gravy,
>>>> lol. Some carrots also lasted the last 17 days in the fridge
>>>> vegetable crisper. Two more days before I can shop properly.
>>> Hope you had a chance to catch up by today! Sounds like it was a
>>> good time!

>> I want to sleep for a week! I usually break the trip half way but we
>> couldn't do that this time. I have never driven that far in my life in
>> one go. Pity I am moving in 3 weeks time or I would sit on my butt for
>> the rest of the school holidays. Most things are packed up but I still
>> need to pack a bit more and clean cupboards etc before the big cleaning
>> jobs (carpet, blinds, windows and frames etc - carpets and blinds have to
>> be done professionally as per my lease but I will do all the windows). So
>> no rest for the wicked

> Good luck, and I hope it goes smoothly. IMO, moving is the closest thing
> to hell....... ;-(
> When we moved here 9 years ago, hubby and I just about swore never
> again.......
> --
> Evelyn
> "Even as a mother protects with her life her only child, So with a
> boundless heart let one cherish all living beings." --Sutta Nipata 1.8

Evelyn, That's what I told my husband ten years ago when we moved into this
house...I told him I was dying here and if he wanted to move out afterwards
he could...LOL...Then he got upset because I was NOT going to die before
him....what a Love