New Year's Eve
Cheryl wrote:
> Not a damn thing, and thank you for reminding me that I have no life.
> I shouldn't be telling the world in a NG this but I don't socialize
> anymore since my son died. New Years of 2003 was the last time I
> talked to him at midnight. Went to an overnight thing at a club in
> Frederick MD and at midnight called him, my parents, and everyone
> else that wasn't there. We emailed between that night and the 25th
> of Jan when he died, but we didn't talk or see each other. I'm sure
> one day I'll go back to my life but for some reason it hasn't
> happened yet.
The holidays are always a tough time, Cheryl. We enjoy celebrating with
our family, but we think about our loved ones who are no longer with
us. You will come back when you are ready. I am sure it is what your
son would want.