French presses
On 12/31/2009 12:43 PM, Steve B wrote:
> I saw a French press on sale at Starbucks for $16, iirc. Quite a mechanism.
> Explain to me why one of these might be better than what I am using, which
> is a simple Melitta cone with a fine mesh wire basket plus one #4 paper
> filter, so I can just keep adding grounds, and get a couple of free cups by
> the time the metal one is full. Two scoops. Does a French press use less
> coffee?
> The French press looks like it might be a booger to clean every time.
> Did I mention I'm lazy?
The French press makes a great, fast, cup of coffee. The main problem is
that you have to clean the parts out with water and you'll end up
dumping some grounds down the sink. I don't think this will do any harm
to your plumbing but some people may disagree.
> Steve