I've posted this more than once here, I think. John Kuthe's post
brought it to mind again.
Chocolate Covered Cherries
Recipe By: posted by Barb Schaller to r.f.cooking, 12/31/2009
Yield: : 70
5 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 teaspoon glycerin
2 cups hot water
2 egg whites beaten very dry
70 maraschino cherries
almond extract
1 cup chocolate pieces
1/4 square paraffin wax
Mix sugar, cream of tartar, glycerin, and hot water. Put over high heat
until it dissolves and starts bubbling clear. Put on lid for 5 minutes
(watch so it doesn't boil over; lower the heat). Remove cover and put
in candy thermometer and boil to 240 degrees, not stirring much.
Pour into a 4-sided cookie sheet that has been rinsed in cold water and
excess water shaken off. Keep mixture level in pan and set to cool.
When warm to touch, spread very dry egg whites on top.
Work it all together. (Recipe submitter usually uses ice cream spade to
get it started, sometimes her hands if it cools too much.) Work it
until mixture loses gloss and begins to harden. Let stand a while.
Add flavoring. For cherries, add almond extract. Just keep adding,
mixing, and tasting until the flavor is right for you.
Put some powdered sugar into a dish, using the sugar to keeps your hands
dusted while you coat the cerries. Drain the cherries well on paper
towels and wrap some of the white mixture around each cherry. Freeze
cherries before coating for best results.
Coat with chocolate and paraffin that have been melted together. Makes
about 70 candies.
Source: Mary Hart column, Minneapolis Morning Tribune 1960s
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
http://web.me.com/barbschaller 12/28/2009