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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Recipe: Chocolate Covered Cherries

On 12/31/2009 11:23 PM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> I've posted this more than once here, I think. John Kuthe's post
> brought it to mind again.
> Chocolate Covered Cherries
> Recipe By: posted by Barb Schaller to, 12/31/2009
> Yield: : 70
> 5 cups sugar
> 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
> 1/2 teaspoon glycerin
> 2 cups hot water
> 2 egg whites beaten very dry
> 70 maraschino cherries
> almond extract
> 1 cup chocolate pieces
> 1/4 square paraffin wax
> Mix sugar, cream of tartar, glycerin, and hot water. Put over high heat
> until it dissolves and starts bubbling clear. Put on lid for 5 minutes
> (watch so it doesn't boil over; lower the heat). Remove cover and put
> in candy thermometer and boil to 240 degrees, not stirring much.
> Pour into a 4-sided cookie sheet that has been rinsed in cold water and
> excess water shaken off. Keep mixture level in pan and set to cool.
> When warm to touch, spread very dry egg whites on top.
> Work it all together. (Recipe submitter usually uses ice cream spade to
> get it started, sometimes her hands if it cools too much.) Work it
> until mixture loses gloss and begins to harden. Let stand a while.
> Add flavoring. For cherries, add almond extract. Just keep adding,
> mixing, and tasting until the flavor is right for you.
> Put some powdered sugar into a dish, using the sugar to keeps your hands

> dusted while you coat the cerries. Drain the cherries well on paper
> towels and wrap some of the white mixture around each cherry. Freeze
> cherries before coating for best results.
> Coat with chocolate and paraffin that have been melted together. Makes
> about 70 candies.
> Source: Mary Hart column, Minneapolis Morning Tribune 1960s

How much is a "square" of paraffin? (I wonder if coconut oil would work?)

Interesting way of making fondant.
