In article >,
zxcvbob > wrote:
> On 12/31/2009 11:23 PM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > I've posted this more than once here, I think. John Kuthe's post
> > brought it to mind again.
> > Chocolate Covered Cherries
> >
> > Recipe By: posted by Barb Schaller to, 12/31/2009
> > Yield: : 70
> > 1 cup chocolate pieces
> > 1/4 square paraffin wax
(snip directions)
> > Coat with chocolate and paraffin that have been melted together. Makes
> How much is a "square" of paraffin? (I wonder if coconut oil would work?)
I don't really know about the paraffin measure. Been too long since I
made these bad boys‹did I mention that they were a real PITA to make?
My late FIL loved chocolate covered cherries and I made them for him.
Note the date on the recipe ‹ I don't think too many "ordinary folks"
were tempering chocolate for dipping and I don't think the fake
chocolate coating stuff was easy to find outside of a candy-making
supply store. Nowadays there are scads of recipes that use that stuff
and Cub has at least two brands to choose from. Did you see my Oreo
Bonbons on my website? I've got a picture there of the stuff I used.
> Interesting way of making fondant.
Yes. The days before salmonella scares. I believe the inclusion of the
egg white was responsible for the liquefication of the fondant‹did I
mention that these things liquefied so they were like the cheap
chocolate covered cherries you can buy in a box at Walgreen's?
> Thanks,
> Bob
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ 12/28/2009