What's with ALDI?
Janet Baraclough wrote:
> from "Nancy Young" > contains these words:
>>> It's standard practice in Britain.
>>> In Europe many people still walk to the smkt , so stealing trolleys
>>> to take heavy purchases home, is a temptation to some.
>> Some people steal carts here, too, but if it's for the convenience
>> of carrying heavy purchases, that 25 cents would not be a deterrent.
> No wonder! Out deposits are one pound (UKP)..
Still cheaper than paying for a cab. Obviously, if it's keeping
people from stealing carts, then good for them. I'm thinking
if someone really needed a cart to get their stuff home, such
a small amount of money won't be a deterrent.
>> It costs at least that much to call a cab to come get you. Just the
>> phone call, not the fare and tip.
> Most urban smkts here either have a freephone line for customers to
> call a cab; or a cab rank at the door with cabs waiting for custom.
My point really was that a cab will cost a lot more than the deposit.
At any rate, those cart/deposit scenarios were tried very briefly
where I live, they weren't successful. Most people drive.