Go ahead and mock if you want
blake murphy wrote:
> On Sat, 02 Jan 2010 07:45:57 -0600, Pete C. wrote:
> > Dan Abel wrote:
> >>
> >> In article >,
> >> Serene Vannoy > wrote:
> >>
> >>> Pete C. wrote:
> >>>
> >>> > You do realize that all the meats we eat are plant based as well don't
> >>> > you? Plants are at the bottom of the food chain.
> >>>
> >>> You do realize that I'm not a moron, right?
> >>
> >> I guess not. I'm going to count how many times he repeats himself.
> >>
> >> Funny thing is, several people on this group (and in my real life), have
> >> come down on vegetarians, and especially vegans, as being really pushy
> >> about their beliefs. That hasn't been my experience, but I'm sure there
> >> are some. Still, what's Pete's problem? He's a thousand miles away.
> >> There's not going to be some huge glut of meat in Texas the next three
> >> weeks. And if there was, he could just buy some and stick it in his
> >> freezer.
> >>
> >
> > I "come down" on proselytizing vegans for the same reason I come down on
> > proselytizing religions fanatics of all superstitions - they invariable
> > become more and more extreme and turn to violence to try to force their
> > beliefs on others. This isn't some idle theory either, there are plenty
> > of documented violent attacks by vegans, just as there are plenty of
> > documented violent attacks by most every superstition at some point.
> bloodthirsty vegans? really?
> blake
Yep, fact.
Take a look at the violent attacks in recent years perpetrated by:
- Religious loons
- Environmental loons
- Animal rights (vegan) loons
- Anti globalization (anarchist) loons
All of these groups have numerous examples of violent attacks trying to
force their ideology on others.