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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Chicken Stew... with noodles or dumplings?

I've got 4 chicken leg quarters simmering on the stove covered with water.
I tossed in a couple of bay leaves and salt & pepper. Once the chicken is
tender (about 30 minutes) I'll remove it from the pot and skin and debone
it. I'll chill the broth and skim the fat off the top. Then I'll add the
meat back to the pot with the broth and add a diced onion, celery and
carrots. I'll add sage and thyme and let it cook down a bit.

Dumplings are the typical addition in the southern U.S., but either one will
thicken the stew. And they're both equally good What say you?
