sf wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Jan 2010 17:29:42 -0800, "Steve B"
> > wrote:
>> "Pete C." > wrote
>>> I don't do cold. I left frozen CT for TX and have no intention of
>>> going back. Mt. E. is colder than CT - hell no!
>> I was watching that special on people climbing Everest. Why the
>> hell would someone WANT to do that to themself?
> I don't know why, I certainly wouldn't - but lots of people climb
> mountains. Some people become characters in movies about mountain
> climbing... take K2 for instance. I know a person one of the main
> characters was based on.
Most of the people that were there had a lifelong dream to do so. The ones
that made it to the top only spent a few minutes on the summit but they all
felt it was well worth the price in money and effort. About 2/3 don't make
in on the first try and come back a year or more later. Most have spent
over a year in training and 6 weeks at the base camp to become acclimated to
high altitude.
Every year, people also die trying too. Most of the deaths occur on the way