Thread: New Year 2010
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Posted to,,,uk.d-i-y
geoff geoff is offline
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Posts: 22
Default New Year 2010

In message >, Unbeliever
> writes
>>>>>>> JESUS is relevent to all groups/ I will pray for you and hope
>>>>>>> your mind will
>>>>>>> not have such fuddled thinking, in JESUS name, amen.
>>>>>> No he isn't
>>>>>> Who the **** are you to decide what's relevant to other people
>>>>>> learn from the adverse reaction from posting to uk.di-y, religious
>>>>>> posts are not relevant or welcome
>>>>>> now stop x-posting this shite to uk.d-i-y
>>>>> You don't realise it but you need religion, you need JESUS.
>>>> Like you need a huge hole your head!
>>>> More strife has been caused in the name of religion than in any
>>>> other. Look at all the bent, perverted and warmongering religious idiots
>>>> [1] there are in this world today (and even more in thepast)
>>>> [1] And many have preached their religion while committing
>>>> thuggery, buggery anad rape of young children and adults alike!
>>> They are muslims,

>> My wife is moslem - what right do you have invading our NG and
>> blaming moslems for the strife of the world
>>> I am a christian, christians and JESUS do good not evil.

>> Err ...
>> lets start with the crusades, moving through the inquisition to modern
>> day priests in Ireland raping young boys and girls in their care, and
>> the church, knowing that this is going on turning a blind eye
>> If you want to do "good" for whatever deluded version of "good" you
>> consider it to be, be a good girl and take your bigoted views
>> elsewhere
>> You've been asked enough times and ignore the requests of others
>> typical ****ing xtian

>Unfortunately Geoff, there are even fanatical Muslims who do precisely the


but it ****es me off when moslems get blamed for everything by these
right wing, god is on our side, xtians

I don't care what people get up to be it buggery, bestiality or whatever
in the privacy of their own homes - just don't lay your beliefs on me
-I'm old and experienced enough to make up my own mind

>BTW, I'm merely commenting, not wishing to start a war, as I believe that
>*ALL* religion should be abolished and the words of John Lennon's Imagine
>are very relevant (excerpt below):
>"Imagine there's no countries
>It isn't hard to do
>Nothing to kill or die for
>And no religion too
>Imagine all the people
>Living life in peace"
