Go ahead and mock if you want
blake murphy wrote:
> On Sat, 02 Jan 2010 11:02:27 -0600, Pete C. wrote:
> > blake murphy wrote:
> >>
> >> On Sat, 02 Jan 2010 07:45:57 -0600, Pete C. wrote:
> >>
> >>> Dan Abel wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> In article >,
> >>>> Serene Vannoy > wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Pete C. wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> > You do realize that all the meats we eat are plant based as well don't
> >>>>> > you? Plants are at the bottom of the food chain.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You do realize that I'm not a moron, right?
> >>>>
> >>>> I guess not. I'm going to count how many times he repeats himself.
> >>>>
> >>>> Funny thing is, several people on this group (and in my real life), have
> >>>> come down on vegetarians, and especially vegans, as being really pushy
> >>>> about their beliefs. That hasn't been my experience, but I'm sure there
> >>>> are some. Still, what's Pete's problem? He's a thousand miles away.
> >>>> There's not going to be some huge glut of meat in Texas the next three
> >>>> weeks. And if there was, he could just buy some and stick it in his
> >>>> freezer.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> I "come down" on proselytizing vegans for the same reason I come down on
> >>> proselytizing religions fanatics of all superstitions - they invariable
> >>> become more and more extreme and turn to violence to try to force their
> >>> beliefs on others. This isn't some idle theory either, there are plenty
> >>> of documented violent attacks by vegans, just as there are plenty of
> >>> documented violent attacks by most every superstition at some point.
> >>
> >> bloodthirsty vegans? really?
> >>
> >> blake
> >
> > Yep, fact.
> >
> > Take a look at the violent attacks in recent years perpetrated by:
> >
> > - Religious loons
> > - Environmental loons
> > - Animal rights (vegan) loons
> > - Anti globalization (anarchist) loons
> >
> > All of these groups have numerous examples of violent attacks trying to
> > force their ideology on others.
> i don't think you can lump in your average vegan with the nuts from PETA.
> and the death toll from vegans is pretty small compared to the religious
> loons. more like infinitesimal.
> your pal,
> blake
Well, pretty much all the PETA loons are vegan. Their violence and
indeed their existence is relatively recent, so they are on the uphill
slope of increasing violence. The death toll may be low now, but give it
another decade and I expect we will see larger and more violent attacks,
and passive support from many non PETA vegans in very much the same way
we see with the violent religious loons. The religious loons have just
been on their violent upswing for 40 or 50 years longer than the
PETA-vegan loons have.
The exact same pattern can be seen with the environmental loons where
the more radical one got together and group dynamics made them
increasingly radical, they began sliding towards violent attacks, with
each attack serving to further normalize violence for them and thus
ratchet up their violence. Their attacks on housing developments,
fishing vessels, laboratories, and even farms are becoming increasingly