Tonight's Prime Rib dinner
brooklyn1 wrote:
> Glassware that isn't used regularly is best kept wrapped in tissue
> paper and sealed in a carton, if not when you finally go to use it
> you'll need to hand wash every piece... sounds like you have enough to
> keep you at the sink for hours... and don't run your good glassware
> through a dishwasher, it will etch.
Good guess. I try to use some on a rotating basis, but left too long, you
don't want to drink from them until washed. The leaded crystal never sees
the DW, but some of the others will. They are not used/washed that often so
I don't worry about etching. By the time they are, I won't care or be able
to see them so well.
Certain pieces, like the red champagne glasses, are used by once a year and
only by the two of us. They are for Valentine's dinner.
> My everyday glassware that I use
> daily is all etched.
Same here. After a half dozen years, I may get tired of it and toss it in
the recycle bin, but meantime, it holds water and can go in the DW with no