How do you make YOUR black eyed peas?
Omelet wrote:
> I don't make black eyed peas. Nasty little bits of gross disgusting
> texture. Worse than garbanzo beans.
> Bleche.
> I'm glad I'm an adult and am not force to eat crap I can't stand! Black
> eyed peas are on my list of non-foods.
They taste "earthy" ;-) (taste like dirt)
I really liked the canned ones I seasoned with some onions, celery,
and dried chipotles. They were good even without any bacon. I used
one too many chipotles tho' and got them too hot.
When they were gone, I made a batch of pinto bean soup seasoned the
same way -- and I also got it a little too hot. That's what I'm
having for lunch today.