Thread: New Years day
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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default New Years day

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> critters& me in azusa, ca wrote:
>>> On Jan 4, 11:09 am, > wrote:
>>>> critters& me in azusa, ca wrote:
>>>>> On Jan 4, 10:32 am, > wrote:
>>>>>> critters& me in azusa, ca wrote:
>>>>>>> sure did. ms bev made a batch, using a smoked turkey wing for
>>>>>>> flavor. this was for the 2nd annual black retired nurses
>>>>>>> association new year's day celebration, of which i am an
>>>>>>> honorary member.
>>>>>> I don't get. Do retired black nurses have so little in common
>>>>>> with retired White and Hispanic nurses that they need their own
>>>>>> organization?
>>>>>> It's nice of you to make all these special black organizations
>>>>>> that exclude all other races. Thank you for keeping racism alive
>>>>>> and well.
>>>>>> And the term "black" is so un-PC.
>>>>> your head is stuck so far up your ass that you look like a soccer
>>>>> ball with legs.
>>>> In other words, you have no reasonable answer. Thank you for your
>>>> response.
>>> the word and concept of reason are not included in your level of
>>> intellect, of which i am assuming to be in the single digit zone.
>>> it it were you would not have posted such a stupid remark. however,
>>> i should not have been surprised at the comment.
>>> just as a rose is a rose is a asshole is an asshole is an
>>> asshole and even the inclusion of new genetic material cannot change
>>> that.

>> <yawn>
>> Still waiting...
>> If you can't come up with an answer of why retired black nurses are
>> somehow more distinguished than White, Mexican, or Chinese retired
>> nurses then just shut the **** up already.

> Maybe because back in the day a number of nursing programs would not accept
> blacks or other minorities, Steve...

That's only a reason to perpetualize racism. There is no reason today to
continue to gather around and talk about past discrimination.

What if an organization of Retired White Nurses was formed to talk about
the days when they didn't have black nurses?
