How do you make YOUR black eyed peas?
The Ranger wrote:
> On Dec 31 2009, 6:59 pm, > wrote:
>> Hello all and Happy New Year's Eve!
>> I know we had a thread about lentils a couple of months back. Made me
>> think of making Black Eyed Peas for New Year's Day.
>> Stupidly used the rest of my bacon the other day, which is usually
>> what I cook with my BEP. Maybe I'll be doing a simple simmer with
>> onion, etc instead? I'm thinking of serving them over rice, perhaps.
>> How do you do yours?
> Cooked up some bacon, crumbled up the pieces, poured a package of
> frozen BEP over top, sprinkled the top with some onion powder as they
> sautéed, and served 'em with spears of hot cornbread. This was our NYE
> tradition growing up and I'm handing it off to my daughter-units.
> The Ranger
What's a daughter-unit? Do you make robots?