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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default Knife drawer designs

Steve B wrote:
> After much recent discussions, I think I will make my drawer in the
> following manner. So that each is parallel to the other with the blade
> facing downward. Slots to separate each blade by about an inch or less
> depending on the blade. This, however may not be a good idea for future
> change or expansion. Cleavers, unusually large knives (like cheese knives)
> and steels may have to have a separate drawer.
> Ideas? Sites?

Here is how we set up our knife drawer

Two flat knife blocks next to each other. Most of the knives with the
black handles are Henckles and the most used ones are on the right. (We
bought the knife blocks at a kitchen specialty store, but they aren't
hard to find.)

The second picture shows the knives laid out on the counter:

Most of the Henckels knives are over 20 years old and the second from
the right is over 30 years old. The others are knives we picked up
along the way and some have sentimental value but aren't used much.

As you can tell, we aren't big into owning a lot of knives. The ones we
have are good quality and more than adequate for the kind of cooking we do.

George L