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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Tonight's Prime Rib dinner

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> Brussels sprouts? Did someone say Brussels sprouts? Solely out of
> curiosity, I bought a "steamer" package of Brussels sprouts at Aldi's
> this afternoon. Nuked them for supper with my bow-ties hotdish and
> green salad. Dang, they were good! Baby Brussels sprouts in some fake
> buttery sauce, but they were really tasty. I'm planning to go back for
> a few more packages for the freezer. Seems like they were maybe
> $1.29/package; I can't find my receipt so I don't know for positive.


Start with fresh sprouts. Trim the stems and peel the outside layer.
Cut them in half top to bottom so they hold together after being cut.

In a pan heat oil and sautee some diced garlic until soft. By the end
the garlic will have browned. Add finely sliced or diced ginger. When
the ginger turns clear add the sprouts and sautee until they have mostly

It also works well with any of the other bitter cruciferous family that
we've tried. U"ber-rapini was a part of Sunday's dinner.

As much as I love sprouts in those prepared bags fresh sauteed beats the
bag every time.