Thread: Leeks!
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Brawny Brawny is offline
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Default Leeks!

Leeks are arriving at our grocery and they are beautiful, bountiful
and very inexpensive!! The is an appetizer recipe, but I adapted to
a regular quiche dish and proceeded as usual. The appeitzer version
serves 48...but my adaptation will serve six small servings...probably
four servings as an entree. Enjoy!

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Bacon, Leek & Cheddar Mini Quiches

3/4 pound bacon; diced
3 cup leeks; medium dice
1 1/4 cup half and half
4 ounce Cheddar cheese; extra sharp
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks
2 tablespoon thyme leaves; finely chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
cooking spray
2 pkg Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry
flour; as needed

In medium skillet, saute bacon until browned and crispy, 6 to 8
Transfer bacon to paper towel lined plate to drain and cool. Pour all
but 2
tbs fat from skillet. Cook leeks until soft, about 5 minutes. Let cool

While leeks cool, combine half and half, Cheddar, eggs, egg yolks
salt, pepper and nutmeg in a medium bowl. Add the cooled leeks and the
bacon. Stir to combine.

Lightly spray four mini muffin tins or two if your tins have two dozen
with cooking spray. Yield should be about 4 dozen.

Working with one sheet of puff pastry, use a floured rolling pin to
the dough into a 10 x 18 inch rectangle. Stamp out 3 inch circles of
with a cookie cutter and press the rounds into the mini muffin tines.
each with 1 tablespoon of filling, You can fill right to the top of
dough. Repeat with the remaining dough and filling until all the
filling is
used. Save left over dough for another use.

Freeze: Unbaked quiches in the muffin tines for about 2 hours. Remove
the tins and transfer them to an air tight container with parchment
between the layers. Store in freezer for one month.

Bake: if frozen, do not thaw. Put quiches back into muffin tines.
oven to 400F. Position racks in the top and bottom thirds of oven.
quiches, switching position of tins halfway through baking. Bake
puffed and golden brown.

Fresh quiche baked for 20 minutes. Frozen quiche baked for 30 to 35

Notes: Fine Cooking 12/06

Yield: 48 servings

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