Sandra's Money Saving Meals: The Lighter Side of MSM
On Jan 5, 2:31*am, (Ubiquitous) wrote:
> SLop announces that this week, we are going to see "The lighter side of
> MSM". What, you're going to serve even smaller portions?
> SLop still has the lone ranger mask tan-lines on her face and the
> raccoon eye mascara doesn't help at all. Why does she insist on wearing
> white clothes?
Maye she wants us to see her "lighter side"?
> It makes her facial tan line more pronounced and if she
> were really cooking, it'd get dirty (yeah, I _KNOW_!).
> As SLop's using both her hands to mulch the dill, she somehow empties a
> bowl of something -- How'd she do that?
> Newsflash! Whole chicken breast is cheaper than skinned and deboned.
> Thanks for the newsflash, SLop!
> SLop does the "Me washie handsies! Me washhie handsies!", than adds that
> "I feel like a real chef when I get my hands dirty". Moron!
> SLop makes her own pitas with pizza dough because it's cheaper than real
> pita bread. I am incredulous of this claim and am pretty sure it won't
> taste the same.
> SLop starts making turkey sausage with apple sauerkraut. SLop excited
> tells us "save money! Chop the cabbage yourself!". Thank for the
> newsflash, idiot.
> How the hell is this sauerkraut? It's cooked shredded cabbage and onions
> and apple slices with vinegar and honey!
> SLop's face predictibly lit up at the prospect of "cocktail time".
> Oops! Did she accidentally dump the orange slices into the pitcher and
> the director decided to keep going? I swear as soon as the oranges
> dumped into the pitcher SLop abruptly froze in her tracks and they cut
> the camera right before SLop said "Oops!" SLop's cocktail tip: "Put the
> ice in your cup instead of the pitcher so you don't water down the
> cocktail". I love how the lush itemizes the "couple shots" of vodka -- I
> wonder if she used Betty's Vodka?
> SLop triesd to make merange, telling us to do this before the cake
> batter
> Newsflash! Buying sugar in bulk is cheaper. SLop is smart. That is all.
> SLop bakes flan in a water bath but totally screws up the reason why.
> No, SLop, it is NOT to "make the flan moist"!
> For SLop's "Round 2 Recipe", she used leftover pizza dough to make flat
> bread and dumped leftovers on it. I laughed when SLop said "Remember the
> chicken chunks I saved?", accompanied by an insert containing a repeat
> of her setting some chicken aside earlier this ep. Do they think we're
> brain damaged and have no long-term memory?
If you had long-term memory, you wouldn't watch her shows. Unless your
remote is out of batteries.