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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Smithfield Picnic or "Piggy" country dry cured pork shoulder?

On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 16:15:36 -0800, "Kent" > wrote:

>I thought something similar to that, that this may be a product that is
>directed at a specific market or even a specific retailer, like Ranch 99 in
>this case. Ranch 99, the Chinese supermarket, always has dry cured hams,
>usually Gwaltney, a common Smithfield brand, generally at good prices..

I guess you've noticed in the past that Ranch 99 carried brand name
Smithfield hams? They are obviously popular, so maybe Ranch 99 has
decided to go for a less expensive sub-brand (or whatever you call
them) to tide their customers and themselves through the current
economy. I've always held back because the Smithfield hams I saw were
so large, but a 5 pound ham is doable AFAIC. After you cook it,
please post what you did to prepare it. Those things can knock your
socks off with salt if they are not properly prepared before cooking.

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