one armed que
I understand, but was use it or lose it. thx.
"piedmont" > wrote in message
> On 1/6/2010 11:21 PM, Nonny wrote:
>> nasty fall tues.- shattered clavicle day before leaving on 3 wk
>> cruise.
>> too broken- dr.can't operate, so bound up and lots of pills.
>> tried
>> cooking tngt and settled for microwave. no driving 1 mo and
>> nothing over
>> 2-3 pounds for 2 mos. cooking problematic. postponed departure
>> until
>> sat. at least we'll eat ok on cruise ship. talk to you all
>> again in feb.
> You need to face reality and reschedule that 3 weeks cruise.
> piedmont
ELOQUIDIOT (n) A highly educated, sophisticated,
and articulate person who has absolutely no clue
concerning what they are talking about.
The person is typically a media commentator or politician.