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trix trix is offline
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Posts: 7
Default sourness, or lack thereof

I've used both my homemade rye starter and Carl's on the same day
using the same method. My rye starter consistently produces a much
deeper, more developed flavor than the Carl's. I tend to use my
Carl's more for pizza dough or cinnamon rolls and the like. I
refreshed them both about nine at night...built over the course of the
day...shaped and left overnight...baked them in the morning. The
Carl's was puffier. It was about 65° to 68° in the house. When it is
warmer (in FIorida) usually bake the same day (at night) after it is

I've been maintaining my fridge starters in thick tablespoon
amounts...I may try going down to teaspoon size or maybe small dryer
ball like starters. I usually bake every 2 to 3 weeks and my starters
are fine. I have dried flake back ups but haven't needed them in a
long time.
