Sneaking In Salami Gets Tougher In The Age Of Terror...
ViLco wrote:
> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > Such measures might discourage terrorists, but they are also likely
> > to catch chefs smuggling meat from Europe. Chefs such as Rey Knight,
> > who once flew from Italy to Miami with a pork shoulder and
> > fennel-pollen salami vacuum-sealed and hidden inside a
> > stainless-steel water bottle. Another time, he says, he hid a 4-pound
> > goose-liver torchon from France inside the belly of a salmon.
> I hope they sentence him to the maximum possible fine and/or jail for that
> misdemeanor.
> The Law is the Law, breaking it is Crime, be it goose-liver or whatever
> else.
> ****ing stupid VIPs, always acting as they could do whatever they want
> simply because they are famous and have too much money.
> --
> Vilco
> Don't think pink: drink rosè
The "Law" is nonsense. Nobody has any authority or right to impose any
"Law" on anyone else.