Another Crockpot Question....
"cshenk" > wrote in :
> Current Crockpot I have made shows some versatility: Hacked a mother
> hubbard apart with an ax. (I have medical issues and that was the
> easiest way).
LOL!! I have this mental picture of a crazed woman weilding an axe on some
poor soul and saying "It's OK, I have 'medical' issues." !!! ;-P
But.... apart from a cereal killer (nyuk, nyuk!!) with an axe ........
what's a "Mother Hubbard"??
> Tossed 1/3 cup or so water in there. Let it soften it all
> up. Turned it off and let cool then used a spoon to peel the good stuff
> off the shell. Added stock and put it in the blender. Added butter,
> spices and put some in the small crockpot. Family ate it all up before I
> got any. Grrr.
> I put baked apples together for tomorrow but they take about 4 hours so
> the liner is in the fridge and Don will fire it off. Granny apples,
> cored with cinnimon and honey at the center.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, baked apples. Don't forget the brown sugar and
butter in the middle as well!!
Peter Lucas
Mary had a little lamb
her father shot it dead.
Now it goes to school with her
between two chunks of bread.