Another Crockpot Question....
On 1/14/2010 19:32, phaeton wrote:
>>>> Anyone tells me that they are happy with stew produced
>>>> by a crockpot I'll show you a certifiable TIADer.
> What's a TIADer?
Shelden lives in an imaginary world where his big giant computer brain
carefully analyzes the world and if it doesn't understand something it
tells Shelden to insult folks...
> I've made beef stew in my crock pot, and I've made beef stew in my
> stock pot on top of the stove. They both turned out pretty good, and
> nothing at all like Dinty Moore.
> I could cook briskets or pork ribs and sauerkraut in a pan on the
> stove too, but since I go to school and work 10 hour days, I don't
> always have a solid hour or two to devote to it. I can however, find
> about 15 minutes to throw a bunch of stuff into a crock and twist a
> knob. Then I'm free to walk away for a goodly long time, and if I
> time it right, there will be something good to eat when I come back
> starving.
Same here, not all of us are sitting home all day. Some things work
really well in a crockpot and some don't. I use it for a limited group
of dishes and it is a real time saver and produces a great result.
> I don't understand cooking oatmeal in one, personally, but I'm sure
> you've got your reasons too.
> -J