Sneaking In Salami Gets Tougher In The Age Of Terror...
zxcvbob wrote:
> Pete C. wrote:
> > ViLco wrote:
> >> Pete C. wrote:
> >>
> >>>>> The "Law" is nonsense. Nobody has any authority or right to impose
> >>>>> any "Law" on anyone else.
> >>>> Are you drunk or are you living in freakin' heaven?
> >>>> ROTFL
> >>> Nope, just pointing out reality.
> >>>
> >>> Nobody anywhere has any authority - period. All this pseudo authority
> >>> is based on the threat of violence, nothing more. Understand this
> >>> fact, and the insane power struggles in the world are a lot clearer.
> >> There are men and women "elected" to rule a country and write that country's
> >> laws, and they do *have* that authority because the people voted for them.
> >> It's called "representative democracy", and you too live in one.
> >> That said, you can dream what you want
> >> --
> >> Vilco
> >> Don't think pink: drink rosè
> >
> > Nobody has a right to elect anyone to impose their rule on anyone.
> >
> > Again, think about it and realize that this pseudo authority is based on
> > a threat of violence, nothing more.
> >
> > "You follow my rule or I'll attack you" is all it boils down to. It's
> > the same whether it's the US government, the Italian government, the
> > Taliban, etc., all seek to impose their rule on others with a threat of
> > violence.
> Any government reserves the right to kill you if they have to, just to
> collect a $5 parking ticket.
> It usually doesn't escalate to that level in one step, but any
> resistance or refusal to comply is met with more and more force until
> you either give in or the policeman shoots you. HTH :-)
> Bob
Now you're getting the point. Whenever someone is talking about "the
law" and is challenged on what give it any authority, they generally
come down to some nebulus "moral" argument. Understanding this is key to
understanding the power struggles with Islamists, Christian
fundamentalists, etc. They all thing thier "law" has "moral" authority
and are use this supposed moral authority to justify their violent
actions trying to force their rule on others.