Another Crockpot Question....
On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 22:23:13 -0800 (PST), projectile vomit chick
> wrote:
>On Jan 14, 6:48*pm, "cshenk" > wrote:
>> It's some stupid phrase that means something to Sheldon but no one else. *It
>> isnt a common one but something he made up.
>Speak for yourself. I know what it means. So your sweeping
>generalization of "no one else" kind of falls flat.
Those are not generalizations, those are DIRTY FILTHY *LIES*...
"cshenk" is a patent liar, she is always lying about something or
other... which qualifies her to become the baboon ass face's new
Schmoo... she does kinda have that same Shmooish body type, like an
obese walrus... "cshenk" wouldn't know the truth if it kicked her in
her LYING tusks. There isn't a soul within a thousand light years of
rfc that doesn't know Eggzactly what TIAD means, and no way is it
common... TIAD is especially SPECIAL. And yes I made it up, I
invented TIAD... "cshenk" is envious because she has never contributed
anything nearly as notable and useful to humanity during her entire
wretched simpleton life.