Thread: Pizza dough
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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Default Pizza dough

zxcvbob wrote:
> I usually add olive oil (or bacon or sausage grease for veggie pizza) to
> my pizza dough. Just wondering how it works to make the dough fat-free
> and then top it with an oily sauce. I guess the edge would need to be
> brushed with oil so it didn't dry out in the oven...
> Bob

I don't normally have much oil in the dough itself, but I do use a multi
bake process. I brush the crust with olive oil, then it goes onto the
stone in the 500F+ oven for a few minutes to firm up and seal the crust.
When it starts to get lightly browned it comes out to be topped and then
goes back in the oven long enough to melt the cheese. The olive oil and
first bake seals the crust so sauce won't soak in and make it soggy. I
always do thin crust too.