New to foodbanter!
On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:33:50 -0500, foodlover25
> wrote:
>I'm new to the site and wanted some guidance on how to use it best, what
>to do, that sort of thing.
>As part of my new years resolutiion lists I want to develop my food
>reportoire and cooking skills, they are somewhat lacking at present
>Any suggestions, thoughts would be gratefully received.
Welcome to usenet! Be advised that foodbanter does not have as much
original content as you may think. often generates
400+ legitimate posts per day (many of them are off topic) plus lots
of SPAM. The reason you are on a web based forum is to avoid the SPAM
and off topic posts. My advice to you is to find a decent news client
with filtering capabilities (aka: kill file) and wade into the fray...
if you dare.
Oh, usenet is not an email list. Never "introduce" yourself like
that. Read, get a feel for the group and post.
Remember, Google is Your Friend. If you want a recipe for something
specific, you can Google it. If you see variations and want
*opinions* about them, ask on Usenet. If you want somebody to show
you how, you can usually Google a video "how to". If you don't
understand something about what you Googled, clarify it on Usenet. If
you can read and follow directions... you'll be able to cook. If you
want recommendations about cookbooks for beginners, ask here.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.