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PeterLucas (o/s) PeterLucas (o/s) is offline
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Posts: 17
Default Peter was still stupid, and couldn't get his story straight!

On 19 Jan, 23:27, "Bob Terwilliger" >
> Peter was still stupid, and couldn't get his story straight:
> >> I found your posts from 1996 when you weren't able to.

> > And yet you couldn't find mine from 92-93??

> Not until you provided the link, no.

Ahhhhh, so your self proclaimed staus as "internet defec.....errrr,
detective" is a pile of shit.

Thank you for clearing that up.

> > But 10-1 you were a REMF.

> What? I never claimed to be a Vietnam vet. I was only 16 years old when the
> last helicopter left Saigon. You must have me confused with someone else who
> makes you feel all gooey inside. I am a Praying Mantis vet, an Urgent Fury
> vet, a Peace for Galilee vet, a Desert Shield vet, and a Desert Storm vet,
> though.


You spent the time on a nice safe ship, right *away* from any danger.

Typical of you.

> > Quite apart from the fact that you post bogus "menus" all the time.

> Your envy is showing again! LOL
> You only *think* the menus are bogus because they are beyond the ability of
> a dull-witted clumsy hominid like you.


Many, *many* people on here have called you out on your 'supposed'

And all you do is bluster, bullshit, and attack.

ergo, you are a fraud.

>In many cases I've posted pictures,

Open up an account and put all your 'pictures' up there.

It doesn't cost you anything, as i know that's very important for you.

> though I don't feel the obsessive need for approval that you seem to feel..

It's a food group, I post urls to pictures of food that *I* have made.

And you dissaprove???

Jealousy???? MUCH!!!!!

> > You've been proven once to be a complete and utter ****ing liar (by me) as
> > far as telling people when they started posting and when they didn't.
> > (Funny that, as soon as I hit you with the proof, you shut the **** up and
> > have avoided *the subject ever *since!!

> I shut up? No, I admitted that I was wrong:
> Message-ID: >

I don't see an admission of your stupidity there....... all i see is a
'Message ID'.

Once again, you think that 'bullshit will baffle brains'.

Post your apology in full, ***-boi.

Otherwise, all people will see is that you are a ****ing liar.........
as per usual.

> What more do you think needs to be said? That you are even more worthless a
> ****tard now than you were then?
> > You arrogant little ****ing twerp.

> Ahhh... now we get to the heart of the matter! You feel threatened by me!

Errrrrrrrrr, not at all, ***-boi.

My comment "You arrogant little ****ing twerp" was in reply to the
condescending manner in which you replied to a female member of this

But that's you all over, isn' t it Boobie twitiliger??

> Has your breadwinner been expressing discontent with you again, and casting
> her eye toward the 90% of men who are *better* than you? Back in my Navy
> days, Australian women threw themselves at American sailors left and right,
> because they knew they'd be SATISFIED. It's entirely possible that I ****ed
> her bow-legged when my ship visited Australia in the mid-nineties, and ever
> since that time, you have failed to measure up -- if you know what I mean!

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, my SO isn't black.

It's a well know fact here in Brisbane that in the mid-nineties, our
black population went down dramatically after you ******s came into

Seems the blacks were the only 'score' you could get, and most of you
got c*nt struck and married them and took them back home!!

Quite apart from that.......... the SO has seen your 'pic' .

Lin is obviously sight challenged.