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Don Martinich Don Martinich is offline
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Posts: 378
Default Rainy day cooking

In article >,
"Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:

> "Steve B" >
> : in
> > My wife is going to cook a pot of chili to go with our dismal rainy
> > weather.
> >
> > My friend is coming for a visit from LV, and bringing some boudin and
> > andouille he bought in LA. The real deal. He will make a pot of real
> > Cajun gumbo tomorrow, and we'll probably snack on that for the rest of
> > the weekend. Too bad wifey is on that GHB diet, but I will eat her
> > portion of the boudin.

> Tonight I'm making beef stew from left over pot roast. It's been gloomy
> and rainy here for days. Comfort food weather.
> Michael

Same for here. It got me thinking about braised pork and french dip
sandwiches made from same. Yesterday I found some pork loin on sale so I
fulfilled my fantasy. I browned the roast in some trimmed pig fat. Added
a sofritto of onions, carrots, garlic, and parsley. Then some rosemary,
bay, and sage and added a bit of flour and cooked it a bit. I then added
some madeira and a blend of beef and chicken base in water. And finally
a spoonful each of tomato paste and spicy brown mustard. After simmering
for an hour and a half it was done to a turn. Tender but not dried out.
Today's french dip was perfect and I'll be repeating dinner again to
night. Despite my complaints the rain is much needed here in California.
