Thread: Soup Bones
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Soup Bones

On Sat, 23 Jan 2010 16:31:53 GMT, Janet Baraclough
> wrote:

>The message >
>from brooklyn1 > contains these words:
>> Bones aren't free anymore because there are very few actual butcher
>> shops anymore and even the few that are left purchase the same
>> boneless cryovac as stupidmarkets.

> Too bad. We still have real butchers who buy fresh beef carcases
>and hang them to mature. Mine gives away beef bones free to any customer.

When soup bones are free is the only reason to use them for stock...
free is how they got to be called soup bones, because years ago if
anyone had to buy bones for soup they'd not... soup greens used to be
free too (those were the blemished veggies that couldn't be sold as
new). Back then every neighborhood in the US had a number of stand
alone butcher shops, greengrocers, and every other kind of shop... the
shop keepers knew their regular customers and they were who got the
freebies... liver and other organ meat used to be free too. I
remember the neighborhood fih monger having huge galvanized taks
filled with live fish, regualr patrons got fish heads adn trimmings fo
rfree, back then the fish monger would toss in a couple pounds of
fresh shrimp with an order for free too, roe was free too. Nowadays
if one has to buy soup bones it makes much more sense to buy an
inexpensive tough cut of meat for stock... no way will a few pounds of
bones produce a better stock than the same few pounds of-meat. Adn
beef marrow adds very little to stock other than fat, and using marrow
bones fo rstock is a terible waste, those bones are supposed to be cut
into short lengths, gently roasted, and the marrow scooped out and
eaten, it's considered a delicacy, a delicacy mostly because it's not
good for you... then those bones would be discarded.

> Dogs should be given bones raw; cooked bones may break into
>splinters which could cause internal damage.

All bones can be broken and cause serious damage to dogs, even
death... no vet with a modicum of integrity/intelligence will suggest
giving dogs bones, cooked or raw. Better pet shops sell bones that
have been specially selected and specially prepared for dogs, but
still all dogs eat differently so not every dog should be given
bones... giving any dog bones is very risky... anyone who values
their pet (dog or cat) should never give them any bones, no rawhide
chews or pig ears either... these things are all very risky, many a
dog has aspirated a small slimey bit of rawhide and choked to death...
many a dog, and cat, had to be put down because they damaged their
esophagus from a sharp bone sliver. For your pet's dental health all
the major pet food companies market specially prepared dry foods
specifically for the purpose of removing tartar and keeping gums
healthy. Dogs don't need bones for any reason whatsoever. If your
dog likes to chew then to keep it from your shoes and furniture give
it those nylon bones, those are indestructible and can't harm your
pet. Btw, dogs are not true carnivores, but cats are... do not
indescriminately feed them each others food. Anyone who has visited a
zoo will note that none of the canines and felines are given bones,
not ever.