Thread: SALT !
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jt august[_3_] jt august[_3_] is offline
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Default SALT !

In article >,
"<RJ>" > wrote:

> Over the years, I was told;
> "Salt at the table... not at the cookstove"
> The rationale being that the diners could
> add the amount of salt ( and pepper )
> that suited them.
> But shows on the Food Network show cooks
> adding salt by the hand-fuls. ???
> Has something changed ?
> Do YOU salt at the stove, or leave it to the eaters ?

Salt is a VERY addictive substance, on a psychological level. Our
bodies are wired to crave some salt as a necessary component of
survival. But salt is a cheap flavor, and adding more salt can
intensify a tangible flavor cheaply, so more salt means more salty
flavor without a lot of cost.

But real flavor is far more complex, and the spices, aromatics and other
components needed to create these flavors cost much more than salt. And
in these complexities, you will lose some who don't care for this flavor
or that. Very few will rebuke something as too salty (I am among those

A co-worker was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I persuaded him to
go with his doctor's salt free diet requirement, and after three months,
he now finds food as good as ever, and fast foods are so salty it "salt
burns" his tongue. It was simply a matter of getting past his salt

Someone in this thread said they have a hard time finding a salt shaker
in their house. I can do that one better, because I have NO salt
shakers. If a guest request salt at the table, I get a small ramekin
and put about a teaspoon of salt in it for that person. I keep salt on
hand for baking purpose primarily. I will admit to uses on a couple
mexican recipes and similar, but in the last month, I have only gotten
the salt out once, and that was for chocolate chip cookies.
