On Jan 25, 2:11*am, Christine Dabney > wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Jan 2010 22:44:39 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
> >Start early on the day of with beignets and chicory coffee. *:-)
> No, no, no, no.....
> The drink of choice is a Milk Punch. *
> Christine, who thinks she might even make some Cajun food...
I lived in New Orleans for many years, through the hard times when we
still went to the games and we wore the
paper bags. Of course those paper bags were very carefully and
colorfully decorated and unique!!!
No more 'Aints !! I cannot imagine how that city looked last
night. Mardi Gras season is well in swing with the
parties and balls, but I bet the whole place looked like Fat
Tuesday.....they are still partying I'm sure.
Super bowl party food........well, Jambalaya is a great dish to make
for a crowd. Gotta have a king cake....
sazerac coctails, lots of boiled shrimp with good horseradishy coctail
sauce....bloody marys....... muffaletta sandwiches are easy and serve
lots..... so much I could make.....
I can't get Dixie longneck beer here or I'd have a cooler full.