Way Off Topic: WHO DAT!!!!!!!
George Leppla > wrote in
> PeterL2 wrote:
>> If you own a computer, and you have access to the internet, learn how
>> to use the ****ing thing, or go back to writing meesages on scraps of
>> paper and tying them to pigeon legs.
> You'll have to explain why the way someone you don't know uses their
> computer has any effect on your life.
Some *one*???
Try a whole bunch of 'someone' lame-asses.
"Ooooooooooooo, can someone give me a recipe for 'smores?"
"Oooooooo, can someone give me a recipe for scrambled eggs?"
Ooooooo, can someone give me a recipe for cheese on toast?"
How do you cook a chicken?
How do you cook an egg?
How do you cook meatloaf?
>> How ****ing hard is it to write "recipe milk punch" into the Google
>> search bar???????????????????????????????????????????
> How hard is it for you to ignore posts that don't interest you?
How do you know it doesn't interest me?
Do you percieve to know what does and does not interest me?
Could you be full of shit?
> You know..... move on. Ignore. Delete. Pass by without comment.
You quite obviously don't listen to your own advice.
Is that because it's shite?