In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > When I'm cooking from a recipe, I print it and tape it to the cupboard
> > door above the breadboard (where I do 95% of my prep work).
> I do much the same but usually print them out with a larger, clearer
> font.
Yeah, me, too.
> The recipes I use the most get printed out on three hole paper and
> then are stored, in alphabetical order and category, in a three-ring
> notebook. I have two or three of these notebooks on the two shelves in
> the bookcase adjacent to the kitchen.
Me, too. :-) Several years ago, when I used MasterCook for Mac (the
last version they made) I printed the whole of my personal collection
for Niece Nurse "When you die, I get your recipe files!" Sandy, and
myself and put them in notebooks. When I switched to MacGourmet, I
didn't print them and integrate them with the MC files so now I just
print them as I need them and put them on Barb's Living Cookbook Cabinet
Door. "-)
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Banana-nut Cake, 1-24-2010