Way Off Topic: WHO DAT!!!!!!!
On Tue, 26 Jan 2010 08:47:21 -0600, George Leppla wrote:
> PeterL2 wrote:
>> George Leppla > wrote in
>> :
>>> PeterL2 wrote:
>>>> If you own a computer, and you have access to the internet, learn how
>>>> to use the ****ing thing, or go back to writing meesages on scraps of
>>>> paper and tying them to pigeon legs.
>>> You'll have to explain why the way someone you don't know uses their
>>> computer has any effect on your life.
>> Some *one*???
>> Try a whole bunch of 'someone' lame-asses.
> Yes... and they are all out there with a single purpose.... to aggravate
> you. Looks like they did a good job! Maybe you are just an easy
> target..... you seem to get upset easily.
> Have a nice day.
> George L
someone has to police the usenet intertubes, george. otherwise posts
concerning things peter isn't interested in (or not about peter himself)
will proliferate.
your pal,