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Greg Zywicki
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Default Dumb Question - Cooking Sausage in Microwave

Jedi Master CK > wrote in message >. ..
> >HEY JEDI IDIOT... you're the one who brought up your daughter. You are
> >posting in a public newsgroup and you mentioned her. Therefore you and she
> >become public domain for criticism.

> That's really really low...
> >I don't suppose you are old enough to
> >have seen the original Stars Wars. But you are apparenly old enough to have
> >inserted sperm and now have a daughter.

> Actually, I think I did - I'm 35...
> >Get some balls and cook how you want, when you want. My parents never
> >cooked special meals prepared in special ways for us. We ate what they ate,
> >elsewise we didn't eat. Get a grip.
> >
> >Jill
> >

> Now we get to the root of all this hostility... I'm sorry you didn't
> have a good childhood, but, I like to cook things that She likes...
> I'm sorry you didn't have parents that did the same...
> I'm calling for a cease-fire...

No, no Jed. Jill is an expert on childcare. Her mother never had to
raise her voice or make her a special meal or change her diapers (Jill
did this from birth) tell her to be quiet, because Jill spent her
childhood sitting with her hands folded in her lap out of reverance
for her mother and mild fear of causing her mother grief.

Not like the parents of today, like the one friend of Jill's who
brought an unapproved toddler into Jill's home and allowed the toddler
to destroy one of Jill's books (note of course that Jill must have
been restrained physically when this happened because those of us
familiar with earth children know better than to allow toddlers to
handle expensive things) but of course Jill is not bitter about this
and is above holding a petty grudge, as she will atest two in any of
the quarterly posts she writes in which she relates this incident.

Fortunately, Jill the childcare expert is impervious to the yammerings
of us inept fools who have had to deal with our abnormal and aberrant
loinspawn. We weak imbeciles have a bizare notion of a utopia in
which we consider the interests and tastes of our children. In our
foolishness, we are willing to cede occasional battles and actually
make food our kids might eat or allow them to behave in
age-appropriate ways that inconvenience other people. If we would
just wise up and realise that we must rule our children with the
benevolent despotism of Jill's sainted parents, our children will grow
to be intellegent, tolerant, and helpful model citizens like Jill.

I'm afraid I'm a lost cause. I can't shake the opinion that Jill
should shut the hell up about child rearing and have a tubal ligation,
because she is not only brown-eyed from being full of it but is also
setting herself up as the sort of self-righteous pompous nitwit who
will no-doubt have to recuse herself if she is unfortunate enough not
to birth the sort of earth-angel she was and instead be stuck with a
normal mortal child who shows the typical prediliction for breaded
meat nuggets with ketchup and who will shun anything the color of

Greg Zywicki